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Before You Buy

This is a really great link to some information for potential puppy buyers -
Puppy Buyere Etiquette


The Responsibilities of Dog Ownership

If you are interested in getting a dog for the RIGHT reasons, please ask yourself the following 10 questions, prior to selecting a breed and breeder or visiting your local shelter or rescue facility:

1) Are you, and all those who live with you, committed to spend 12+ years providing health care, food, grooming, training and attention to a dog?  Do the people who live with you also want a dog?
2) Do you have the time and/or resources available .  .  .  To take your dog for walks and to the vet?  To bath, brush, clip, and, otherwise, groom your dog as often as necessary?  Will you want to play and, perhaps, work on training daily, with your dog?  Are you willing to take your dog to puppy socialization, kindergarten, and basic obedience classes?
3) Are there lifestyle-altering events that could occur in your foreseeable future?  - A baby, caring for an elderly family member, a divorce, job uncertainty, etc.  And, how would you deal with these changes as they impacted your ability to care for a dog?
4) Is your personality conducive to dog ownership?  Do you often feel 'stressed out'?  Do you like to have total control over your environment or 'space'?  Are you a 'neat freak'?  Are you flexible?  Patient?  Answer honesty - nobody but you will know AND, more importantly, nobody but you will have to live with the results of your trying to 'fit' your personality to a dog.
5) Are you physically able to care for a dog?  Are you economically able to provide care for a dog?
6) Is your environment prepared for a dog and/or are you willing to make the investment of time and money necessary to insure that it does?  Is there a yard or park-like area for your dog to walk and relieve him- or her- self?  Is your yard, or a portion of it, fenced?  If your dog will be outside for any period of time, will you provide a secure and comfortable shelter for your dog?  Although you may have a secure and comfortable location for your dog while it is outdoors, dog should not be left outdoors, unattended, for extended periods of time.  They can be taunted, released, stolen, or worse.  Tethering can cause serious physical harm or death in the event of an entanglement or other such accident.  Further, prolonged tethering can cause undesirable behavioral and personality traits to surface.  Additionally, garages may contain chemicals, tools and other items that can be dangerous and/or harmful to your dog.
7) Will your dog be alone for long periods of time, daily?  Can you arrange for the dog to be let out for a romp, given water, medication, and playtime, as necessary, during the day?  Or, will you become angered and frustrated by behavioral issues that may arise due to the fact that your dog is alone for long periods of time?  (i.e., relieves him or herself indoors; chews up a blanket, your shoes, your favorite chair cushion; barks incessantly, causing your neighbors to become angry or, perhaps, even call animal control on you; etc.  Do not plan to leave your dog outdoors or in a garage all day while you are away!  If this is in your plans, I suggest you revisit the question "Why do I/We want a dog?"
8) Are you willing to spay/neuter your dog, as soon as possible, to reduce the chance of an accidental breeding?
9) Do you travel frequently?  Will it be difficult for you to find quality care for your dog when you are away?
10) Do you really LOVE dogs?  If you are truly motivated by your love of dogs, or a particular dog, you most likely don't need this page.  You've done your homework and are ready for a lifelong commitment.  You will train and play with your dog, provide appropriate veterinary care and nutrition, you will bath and groom him or her, happily, and the occasional behavioral problem won't throw you for a loop.  If this is the case, please visit the other related sections of the library for helpful articles on breed or mix selection, puppy or adult?, adoption or breeder, finding a breeder, preparation for your dog, training care, and more.​

Breed Traits of the Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies can make wonderful companions for people who are aware of what to expect from this beautiful and intelligent breed.  Although there are exceptions to every rule these are the most common breed traits for the Siberian Husky.

  • Siberians are not Trustworthy off lead.
    This breed should never be trusted off-lead.  They are not a "Yes Sir, No Sir" kind of breed. Don't be fooled into thinking that you can train them to stay in your yard. Although there are exceptions, Siberian Huskies have a well-deserved reputation for being difficult dogs to train for recall. Your dog has probably learned 'selective deafness' over time as it has received the huge reward of freedom by ignoring your call to return. Also, chasing after your dog after it bolts is a huge game for the dog, and the dog gets an opportunity to dictate terms & lead the action which counters your ability to be an effective pack leader.


  • Siberians Shed profusely twice a year.
    Do you own a good vacuum? Twice a year, Siberians do what is referred to as "blowing coat" where they lose their bottom layer of fur, or undercoat. It is a mess! It generally takes at least a week, sometimes more, for all of the fur to leave the coat. You could brush the dog from sun-up until sun-down and the fur would still be coming out. This is not an exaggeration. When a Siberian is not 'blowing coat', the amount of shedding is minimal to moderate, depending on the climate. Do NOT Shave your Siberian Husky as this Many people think that because they have so much fur that the Siberian must get very hot. In fact the opposite is true! The undercoat actually acts as insulation, helping to keep your dog warm as well as cool. Most Siberians cope better in the heat than a short coated dog does. Most important is to remember to leave plenty of cool water out and ensure ample shade.


  • Siberians have a High Prey Drive.

    This breed has a high prey drive and they will hunt cats, birds, and other smaller animals. Sometimes, when a Siberian is raised with a cat, owners have had success with this integration; however, in most cases when an older Siberian is introduced to a home with a cat, the Siberian cannot be trusted.

    Every dog is different, so it is difficult to generalize concerning their adaptability with other dogs. Their ability to get along with other dogs, as with any breed of dog, also stems back to their level of dominance and 'status' within the hierarchy.

  • Siberians are Escape Artists.
    If Houdini could come back as any breed it would be the Siberian Husky. They need a SECURELY fenced in yard if you want to let them off a leash. They can jump or climb most fenced-in areas. Six feet is the recommended height. If your dog is a climber, you may need a roof for your 'kennel'.

    They will also very easily dig out underneath the fence, so it is recommended that if the fence is not placed upon concrete then something should be buried along the perimeter of the fence in order to properly contain them.

    Leaving them in a yard or kennel unattended for great lengths is not appropriate for this breed as they are highly intelligent and they WILL find a way out. If the fence is made of a weak gauge of chain link that isn't securely attached, they can push the fence up or chew through it. This can also occur with wood.

    Underground or 'invisible' fences are also not effective for this breed. They learn very quickly that with a good running start, they can get past the range of the fence. Additionally, their thick fur interferes with the effectiveness of the collar. Because they are highly predatory, their prey-drive may override any amount of training or shock received. They are social animals and do like to be with you.

  • Siberians love to Dig.
    They instinctively dig and will leave large holes, even trenches, throughout your yard. A good way to get around this is by using a kids Shell Pool. Filling it with dirt and even sticking multiple toys and other goodies for your Siberian to find. It is a great way to keep them out of your gardens and a way to keep them entertained.


  • Siberians are not Guard Dogs
    Siberians are social and outgoing. They are very placid dogs and are great with children but wont be loyal to just your family and yourself. A well bred Siberian Husky is exuberant towards strangers at best, and a loof towards them at worse. They do not bark much, although they will howl.


  • Siberians require consistent training and attention.

    Each dog is an individual, but as a general rule, they do have lots of energy, especially for the first two years.

    They are not usually suited for people who won't provide any exercise opportunities for the dog or leave them in a crate for long periods of time. Crate training is recommended both for the safety of your home, but also for the safety of the puppy.  However, if your work schedule has you away from the house for much more than 8 hours a day, you will come home to a very anxious puppy.  Because the Siberian is a pack animal, they will establish a hierarchy, or 'pecking order' for dominance. Puppy kindergarten classes and general obedience classes are highly recommended for proper socialization and training. Consistency with training is extremely important or a Siberian will 'walk all over you'. Siberians should be outgoing and friendly. Proper socialization and training should help to ensure that your puppy or dog learns manners.

    For more information on the Siberian husky please check out the Links at the bottom of this page or go to our Links page for more information.

Advantages & Disadvantages of owning a Husky​

Huskies are friendly and good natured which makes them good with children.This also means they do not make good guard dog and will likely greet an intruder rather than stop one.

 - They are also mischievous and intelligent and notorious escape artists and so they need high fencing to keep them in. They also love to dig so make sure your husky's run is dig proof.

  -They are loving and affectionate but not loyal to one man. They need the company of humans or another dog as they are easily bored and boredom can often result in destructive behavior.

 - They don't often bark but will howl like a wolf and talk to you and other dogs with a "woo-woo-wooooh".

 - They are good travelers and enjoy new sights and sounds.

 - They are a very clean breed with little or no doggy odor. But they do shed their coat about twice a year so be prepared for large quantities of fur ending up on your clothes and furniture.  
-They need a lot of exercise but this must be done on lead as most of all they love to RUN! Once they are off lead you may be lucky to just see your husky on the horizon.

Useful Links - Click Below

General Care For Your Siberian Husky
Buying A Dog
What a Siberian Husky Is & is not!

Dedication, Quality & Passion

Ukeevea Siberian Huskies

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